Pediatric orthopedics is a branch of medicine devoted to treating children’s joints, muscles, and bones. A pediatric orthopedist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of those areas in children ranging from infants to teenagers. Pediatric orthopedists (also called a pediatric orthopedic surgeon) can perform surgery when necessary but they also provide other kinds of treatments, like casts or limb braces. Because children’s bodies are still growing, they have a very different joint, muscle, and bone makeup than adults. Usually, children are referred to a pediatric orthopedist by their pediatrician if issues arise. Reasons to See a Pediatric Orthopedist
Because pediatric orthopedists are specialists, most children are referred to a pediatric orthopedist by their pediatrician. The scope of pediatric orthopedics is quite broad, but some examples of conditions that pediatric orthopedists treat are: